永遠懷念, 周詠欣:
1. 安息禮及火葬儀式 – 香港
日期: 2018 年 5月 5日
接待時間: 下午 12:30
安息禮儀式: 下午 13:00 至 14:30
火葬儀式: 下午 15:00 至 15:30
解慰酒: 下午 16:00 後
敬請回覆 / RSVP: 請點擊這裡
*由於場地有特別安排, 所有花圈/花籃請於早上 11 時送達禮堂, 謝謝!*
In Loving Memory of Rachelle Chau Wing Yan
1. Funeral Service and Cremation Ceremony – Hong Kong
Date: May 5th 2018
Doors Open: 12:30PM
Funeral Service: 13:00PM to 14:30PM
Venue: Hall A, Kowloon Funeral Parlour, 1A Maple St, Tai Kok Tsui, Hong Kong
Click Here for Transportation Advice
(After the Funeral Ceremony, the Family will arrange transportation to the cremation venue for the service)
Cremation Ceremony: 15:00PM to 15:30PM
Venue: Kwai Chung Crematorium, 13 Wing Hau St, Kwai Chung
Wake Dinner: After 16:00PM
敬請回覆 / RSVP: Please Click Here to RSVP
*Due to logistics purposes, please delivery all wreath at 11AM to the venue, thank you.*
2. A Musical Tribute to the Life of Rachelle Chau – Hong Kong
時間及日期: 2018 年 5月 12日, 下午 15:00 至 下午 18:00
Date and Time: May 12th 2018, 15:00 PM to 18:00 PM
Venue: The Vine Church, 29 Burrows St, Wan Chai
3. A Musical Tribute to the Life of Rachelle Chau – Toronto
Date and Time: May 27th 2018, 18:00 PM to 19:30 PM
Venue: Toronto Lifespring Christian Fellowship, 288 Cummer Av, North York, Canada
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10
“我 來 了 , 是 要 叫 羊 得 生 命 , 並 且 得 的 更 豐 盛 。” – 約翰福音 10:10